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This is how we work with sustainability.

We work to deliver sustainable energy solutions to society, so that we can meet today's needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own.

Two men in protective work clothes

Hafslund's work with sustainability is an integrated part of the company's five strategic focus areas towards 2035. For us, this means contributing to a positive development in environmental, social, and governance aspects to ensure a sustainable future. Within the three dimensions, we have defined areas where we aim to contribute to achieving sustainable development.

We will contribute more renewable energy while also reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. We will work to halt the loss of biodiversity by developing good projects and improving the state of nature where we have existing projects. The key to achieving this is our people. We aim to be a developing and attractive workplace with secure employment conditions and good terms.

We apologize for missing pages on sustainability in English. The pages are under construction and will be published shortly.